Thursday, December 18, 2008

Feeling Groovy

Why? Because I spent two hours tying knots in fleece. Fleece blankets are flying out of my ears. Not really, just these two and a MSU one for my son. But trust me that's a lot of knot tying.

And so to reward myself I picked up this.

It's Wisteria from Twist Collective. My friend Terry got me a gift certificate to the Twist Collective and made me this cool slouch hat which look just lovely modeled on the unwilling Sophie. ("Mom, please don't put pictures of me on your blog!")

I wish I could stay home and knit it. But I have to work. I debated calling in sick but none of my excuses sounded good enough.

Oh, by the way, I'm totally reading Twilight. Edward and Bella. I think about them whenever I'm not with them. What is the mysterious power this teen novel holds over the middle age women in the world?

1 comment:

Holly Bee said...

Twist Collective! Hurrah!

Edward and Bella...aaah.