Monday, November 24, 2008

Yarny Stuff

There has been knitting ,

and dyeing of yarn,

and mittens! One finished, another on it's way! I did have to frog the second one because apparently I thought I had two right hands (I put the thumb in the wrong place).
We are going downstate and my ability to access the internet will be greatly hampered, thus I bid you all a Happy Turkey Day! See ya when I get back!


Linda said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty!
Pretty knitting, pretty colors, pretty mittens!
Jealous, jealous, jealous!

Anonymous said...

I love the mitten! Look at you - super fancy knitter!

Holly Bee said...

Wow! You've been super busy!!

Looove the mits! Very rocking.

Look at you and your dyed yarn, impressive!

Have fun down state!