Saturday, May 31, 2008

Knitting for a Good Cause

In October of the year 2000, I lost my sister to cancer. She had cervical cancer. She hadn't gotten a pap smear in nine years, and the last one she had was abnormal. She was afraid to get another one. If she had gotten another one within a year, I have no doubt she would be alive right now. But she didn't and her cancer spread and she died. I miss her so much. She was 21 years older than me, but by the time I grew up, she was my best friend.

So, when Holly asked for ideas for a summer charity project and who we should do it for, I thought first of Holly's beloved green and orange, the afghan swap I' m currently participating in and of cervical cancer and how it's a preventable disease.

Most charities lump cervical cancer research in with other women's cancer, which is understandable because as I said, at least cervical cancer is preventable. Get your pap smear ladies, every year! Every six months if you have abnormal ones. And consider getting your daughters the vaccine. Read up on it. I know it's new, so research is important.

But anyway, Holly (she's an old pro at this charity knitting gig) suggested donating our little afghan to the Hope Lodge. Cancer sucks in general, any kind. So I've given my little spiel on cervical cancer, and we'll donate our blankie to the Hope Lodge in memory of Barbara J. Hopps, who by the way, would have totally loved the idea of a green and orange afghan!

If you want to knit-a-long we are making this thing out of worsted weight washable wool. In other words, a wool/acrylic blend or superwash wool.

As mentioned above the colors are orange and green. Any shade is fine. The more variety the better!

The squares need to be about 12 inches. Any pattern will work, once again variety is the spice of life!

And the deadline is Labor Day! I don't know where we will be sending them or how we are sewing the thing up but we have lots of time to think about that. I just wanted to get the word out there. If you have any questions, you can find us at Zombie Prom Date Knitters Group on Ravelry. Right now we are posting about it under "summer ideas". Or leave a comment here.

Thanks. Hug your people.


Holly Bee said...

Beautiful write up Tracy. You are doing a great thing. I think this is a wonderful way to honor your sister and help another person in need.

Lot's of love to you! We are going to make this a beautiful!

Holly Bee said...

I started a new segement under Zombie Prom Date Knitters titled

Hopps for Hope!
Memorial Blanket is Go!

I would be willing to be the collection/sewing location.

We could also have a big end of summer or start of school year meet up sewing party!

I'm really excited!