The guy who built this house had one teeny tiny kid, an infant you might call it. You know, the kind who can't get around of their own free will, puke only on their parents shoulders and look all cute. The kind that suck you in and make you think 3 of them would be a good idea.
Well, I'm over that. Mine make mess. Huge, bring-the-mud-in-from-the-creek-in-the-backyard kind of mess. Puppies out in the rain kind of mess. Spilling some water (because my friends, even water will stain a white carpet) kind of mess. And now the white carpet looks like a dalmation.
If it were up to me, I would rip the whole bloody mess out and put in some hard wood. But my husband says we must wait until we officially own the house (he still harbors dreams of a vast estate in the country, which isn't going to happen, I'm a city girl. Country is for vacations) So I've got to live with my nasty carpet. It makes me sad. Anyone have any ideas? Now that I've poisoned my children and dogs with the vile Woolite Carpet Crap? Help! Look, you can even see how bad it is in the pictures!
Calgon take me away!
Good luck with the stain in the carpet. I don't know what would get it out, besides a pair of scissors.
White carpet is HATEFUL!
And people are afraid to criticize Noro, lest they be thought to be uncool. They don't sell it much in Japan, because the Japanese won't buy it--they consider it overpriced recycled carpet remnants.
Ok, ok, the in laws have white carpet, and I had it pro cleaned for them last year...because I am awesome and they were out of state and I was playing Barbie Dream house in thier big empty house.
The cleaner guys said DON'T USE CARPET CLEANER CRAP!!!
Just use plain white vinegar. Really, straight from the carpet cleaner guys who felt sorry for me. Heeheehee. I gave them the sob story and got $100 off the bill...awwwwh yeah.
This may be too late but...I've never had kids (no, never) but I have had bulimic cats that run from their food dish on the tile to the carpet to throw up. And I have a dog who loves to run through the yard, into the lake across the beach and then into the house.
I've had very good results with Murphy's Oil Soap. Really. My hubby swears it works even better when you use 1/3 soap to 2/3 water an nuke it for 30 seconds. Then depending on the size of the stain use a toothbrush or clean white cloth to scrub the stain. Of course try it in a hidden spot (under the chair) to test colorfastness. Hope this helps :)
This may be too late but...I've never had kids (no, never) but I have had bulimic cats that run from their food dish on the tile to the carpet to throw up. And I have a dog who loves to run through the yard, into the lake across the beach and then into the house.
I've had very good results with Murphy's Oil Soap. Really. My hubby swears it works even better when you use 1/3 soap to 2/3 water an nuke it for 30 seconds. Then depending on the size of the stain use a toothbrush or clean white cloth to scrub the stain. Of course try it in a hidden spot (under the chair) to test colorfastness. Hope this helps :)
Hi. Interesting blog! Personally I do not do laundry myself but my maid says that Woolite is the best detergent. I myself browsed the net and on this great site read more about the products offered by the company. You can look up the site and you may find a variety of other companies and customer reports.
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