Monday, August 12, 2013

Well, it is August 2013.  Well over a year since I last posted.  Things have changed a bit.  I'm done with the MLIS program.  I expect sometime at the end of of August to receive a diploma in the mail that says I am the proud owner of a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science - or in other words, I will officially be a librarian!

I have two part time jobs at nice libraries in the metro Detroit area, quite a hike from home, but I'm grateful for both jobs.  Since I couldn't fill in the hours that they needed, I had to leave the library I consider home, and that is still quite painful for me.  So the joy of getting a degree and getting two jobs when many people are struggling for one is kind of tarnished.  But life goes on, right?

I miss Alpena a lot lately.  I wonder what my life would be like if we had stayed?  Would I still have earned my MLIS?  I certainly would probably still be employed at the  Alpena County Library.  Would my prospects up there have been better than those here?  I know I'd still have my book club and my friends.  I miss that the most I think.  It's funny that I was so lonely up there, but I found my way - and now I'm incredibly lonely down here.  It must just be my plight in life.

In knitting news, I'm finishing up a blanket for my nephew's fiancé's bridal shower.  It's not perfect.  The knitting part of it is, but the attaching squares part sucks.  I'm debating whether or not to actually gift it.  It is made with lots of love and care though, so I think I will and just put a disclaimer somewhere on the card, that finishing is and never will be my forte!

I'm excited to get back to some serious sock knitting.  And reading anything I want.  I am so done with reading stuff for class and with paper writing!   And I am super excited about my new jobs.  Hopefully I'll post again soon.

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